8 Things that Make Workplace Really Cool: Part 2

CleverControl finds out what the most important factors for employees in their work and office are. What keeps employees happy and motivated? What minimal changes are required to improve company’s atmosphere drastically? How to build a universal corporate culture that will support and grow employees’ satisfaction? These and other questions are discussed in this two-part article.
A person cannot live only for work.
You can spend a lot of time in your workplace, but the managers working there know about life outside of work.
Staples sociologists found that one in four employees finishes his or her tasks at home after work and 40% of employees spend some time working on the weekends on a monthly basis. But creating a healthy balance between work and home is not as obvious a priority for employees as it might seem.
The Psychological Association found that only 53% of bosses appreciate the balance between work and personal life and only 32% of employees said that their job allows them to easily perform their work unrelated duties.
It's a shame because helping employees juggle work and personal life will help them to be happy. Staples says that 72% of happy employees have flexible working hours.
Society for Human Resource Management also suggests that the balance of work and personal life is the main reason for employees not to change jobs.
Cool jobs exist where the management really trusts their employees.
Unfortunately, rarely managers really appreciate the ideas of their employees. Only 36% of respondents say that employers are actually guided by the feedback of employees when implementing changes.
The lack of trust is a lost opportunity for your business. The same study suggests that employers who trust their employees get 2 times more points in the ratings of employees’ satisfaction and confidence.
Trust among colleagues is also important - notes the Psychological Association. 79% have a strong relationship with colleagues, but since 2011 this figure is constantly decreasing.
In the era of real-time results 24/7, the majority of workers just want to get the right tools to do a good job.
The Staples survey identified that poorly implemented technology is the main reason for the decline in the productivity of employees. 70% of the respondents confirm that. Interestingly, the management considers sick leave to be the biggest factor of performance degradation in this case.
Although not companies with the maximum number of gadgets in the workplace win the race, but it can also be useful. But the Staples survey shows that happy employees have more electronic tools and technologies.
Note: What does Staples sell? Office technologies! :
The so-called "involved" jobs boil down to the fact that everybody who are in the same position move in the same direction.
The latest survey of Society for Human Resource Management showed that the most satisfied employees are characterized by a very personal and very unpredictable relationship with the direct supervisor (it is curious that career opportunities ranked last among 18 other factors of job satisfaction).
It's not the easiest idea to accept, according to the survey of Society for Human Resource Management. Everything significantly affects the level of employee engagement: their perception of their own work, their bosses and, of course, their opinions about the colleagues.
Yes, the satisfaction of an employee with the workplace can be defined just by one simple value: relationship with immediate supervisor.
Gallup shows that the increasing engagement is worth the effort. Their recent study showed that businesses with a high level of employee engagement have received a huge financial advantage over the less focused competitors, 10% higher customer loyalty, 41% less absenteeism, 28% less theft in the workplace, 40% less faulty goods, and 21% more profit.
Creating a truly great workplace is not an easy task. But the return on investment is incredible.
The so-called "involved" jobs boil down to the fact that everybody who are in the same position move in