Internet usage Monitor
Website Activity
With CleverControl you can easily see every website visited by your employees
Get a full list of visited URLs
Know what websites the user visited up to two weeks before the program installation
Time and duration of website visits
Search the list of URLs to check for unwanted websites
Simply click on recorded URLs to check an unknown site

How can this feature be useful?
Often Internet usage is the most valuable source of information about employees: how often they use social media, entertainment sites, other not work related sites. This can help you to detect slackers, find out if any of your employees might leave soon (if they tend to check job vacancies at work) or even prevent information leakage, whether it is intentional or otherwise.
All unproductive or potentially unwanted Internet activity gets recorded by CleverControl and you can see it in your account.
More than that, you will be able to get the list of websites the user visited even before the installation of CleverControl. The software will extract two-weeks website history from the user's browser. Look back to the past and see what unproductive activities the employees spent their work time on.
Application Activity
CleverControl shows you all applications that run on your employees’ computers
See all programs that run during working time
Time and duration of program activity
Get a full list of installed programs
Monitor newly installed applications to prevent unwanted activity

How can this feature be useful?
Often Internet usage is the most valuable source of information about employees: how often they use social media, entertainment sites, other not work related sites. This can help you to detect slackers, find out if any of your employees might leave soon (if they tend to check job vacancies at work) or even prevent information leakage, whether it is intentional or otherwise.
Say, you have a department, like accounting, that has one application, in which employees are supposed to spend the majority of working time. With CleverControl you can check if the reality actually matches the supposition. Besides, it is always useful to know what kind of program employees run on their PCs most frequently.
Search Engines activity monitoring
With CleverControl you get information about everything your employees search the web for
Get a full list of search engines inquiries
Simply click on recorded search to see the generated search results
Check list of searches to see unwanted alert words

How can this feature be useful?
Knowing what you employees look for on the Internet is always useful. Sometimes it can be enough to check search history to see how productive and hard working your employee is.