Making Work Processes More Transparent and Efficient

This case has been shared by an IT company from Canada. The company provides software development services on demand, such as QA testing, business solutions, migration, application development, and application maintenance. The customers are billed on an hourly basis, so accurate work time tracking is crucial. The company has a multinational team, part of which is working remotely from other countries. Since these employees live in different time zones and the schedule is flexible for all employees, manual tracking work hours was challenging for managers. Additionally, they need to monitor employees' activity at work to ensure that the active time is also productive.
Having these challenges in mind, the company contacted CleverControl with the following requirements. The monitoring tool must have had the option to enable/disable monitoring so that each employee could activate it at the beginning of the workday and disable it during lunch breaks. The managers also needed accurate reports of active time, logs of employees' activity during the day and productivity assessments.
The company decided to implement CleverControl for six months and see how it would benefit the company.
The team leaders saw the advantages of the monitoring system in the very first week. CleverControl freed them from the routine tasks of gathering records of each employee's work time. They could also look through the activity logs and see if the specialist worked on the project or scrolled through social media. Live Viewing of employees' screens enabled not only retrospective monitoring but also real-time tracking of the work process. Thanks to logs, counting the time spent on the project and billing the customer became an easier task. Besides, the automated monitoring saved 30-60 minutes of team leaders' time daily.
Continuous monitoring over a few weeks helped keep a valuable tech specialist in the company. The team leader noticed that the specialist was browsing job sites at work. The leader discussed it with him and learned that the specialist was looking for a new higher-paid job. The specialist felt offended that his new colleague, who was recently hired to a similar position, got a higher salary yet had a lower qualification. That case made the management reconsider the wages and bonuses system in the company.
Summing up their six-month experience with CleverControl, the management admitted that the work processes became more transparent and efficient. The company renewed their contract with CleverControl for another year.
Essential Features:
- ControllabilityThe employee can start and stop monitoring manually, which allows more accurate tracking of the active work time.
- Time trackingAutomated tracking of employees' active time simplifies billing clients on an hourly basis.
- কার্যকলাপ ট্র্যাকিংMonitoring what an employee does during work hours helps to ensure that their active time is also productive.