Why HR-specialists need psychology?

In the area of management, we usually meet people with special or at least related education. But some of them have come from a completely different professional environment. However, sooner or later, they all are faced with the fact that the psychological knowledge is necessary. This article describes the reasons why you should pay attention to this science.
Interacting with people.
While learning psychology, a person learns to understand other people, recognizes that in the world there are many points of view, personality traits, and the fact that mankind cannot be divided into categories (the problem of typology in psychology). And, most importantly, they learn that they can accept another person if they understand him o her at least a little. This knowledge makes communication with colleagues easier. People are much more tolerant to some specific behavior of the others, which could be irritable.
It is not uncommon for HR-managers to use personnel tests during interviews. Unfortunately, there are also cases when the tests are used by non-professionals. You can find a full interpretation of the results in the public domain, and, seemingly, nothing terrible could happen. But in reality, it is not that simple. Firstly, the test can be interrupted (There was the case when the company conducted the final test of the candidate to on the position of Branch Director. There were so many questions that the test took all day – around 5 hours). Secondly, there is the risk of blindly following the results. Every psychologist knows that obtained results may be a good addition to the personality assessment but not a basis for drawing conclusions. Thirdly, tests might not be properly selected. Non-professionals often choose non-standardized, non-adapted, or pseudoscientific techniques. For reliable results of the test, it is necessary to examine its theoretical foundation and see the results of its standardization.
It is not uncommon for recruiters to emphasize their sympathy or antipathy to the applicant instead of evaluating important professional qualities. You can find funny and sometimes absurd stories about the incompetence of HR managers on the Internet. The psychologist tries to be objective and not show any feelings and subjective opinion.
Creation of questionnaires.
HR specialists are faced with the need to create “little questionnaires” for new employees or for those who leave the company. For an unprepared person, such a task can be difficult, while for a professional psychologist designing questionnaires and tests is relatively easy.
Psychologists are usually observant and are able to notice details that others miss. They listen to the words, pay attention to the fact to which their subjects keep coming back because they know what is important. Psychologists can quickly notice role distribution in a company or a group.
As a rule, psychologists undergo group work training. Their arsenal is regularly replenished with exercises and techniques. They always try new methods themselves first offering it someone else.
Drafting such a piece helps in preparing for recruitment because it requires organizing all knowledge and skills of potential applicants. It is a kind of a portrait of the ideal candidate but with feasible conditions.
Organizational Psychology.
This course is taught at the university: it describes different management styles, the hierarchy in the companies, and the interaction of leaders and subordinates. Sometimes this knowledge is not enough to represent a complete picture of business processes.
Environmentally friendly.
Good psychologists are taught in the first place to take care of the person, not to harm, and not to discuss the problems that people are not ready to solve. Unfortunately, some HR managers who work in a company for a long time and are familiar with the staff, do not always notice that they aggravate the situation while trying to help. Therefore it is necessary to be sure about whether the person is ready to open up, and how you can help in the situation.
Of course without psychological education, talented HR-specialists can also develop all these skills, but sometimes it's worth many years of practice, trial, and error.