7 Types of Employees Who Never Get Promoted

The person who came up with the word "career" was not wrong when designing it from the word “carrus” (lat. wagon, wheeled vehicle) Because sometimes moving through the ranks is so difficult! Meanwhile, certain people can never move forward. CleverControl decided to classify these types of people and asked experts for help. So, what kind of employees will never get promoted:
The “office plankton”
A passive office worker is a regular ballast of many organizations. Such people wander from company to company, usually without stopping anywhere for more than a year. But some sub-species of “plankton” might stay in one place for decades. If the company does not have clear performance indicators, then identifying plankton in the muddy water is quite difficult. And even if there are no other candidates for promotion the plankton is unlikely to be offered a new position because he or she is not adapted for development. Emma Weber, General Director, founder of the consulting center "WE": "One of the main criteria in promotions is self-development and training on an ongoing basis. Nobody needs employees with no initiative for self-development."
He is always late and cannot finish any of the tasks in time – these are all classic signs of an unproductive employee. Surprisingly, latecomers are not always young and inexperienced but often they are people over 40. The only thing they have succeeded in is finding a new reason for each time they are late, creating the impression of hard work in the few working hours that are in the office and disappear as soon as the working day has ended. It often turns out that they are either in the wrong profession or are not too fond of working in general. If you will approach such employee with the simplest question he or she usually cannot spend even a minute of their “precious” time on you. Emma Weber continues: "If the employee uses phrases like "I don't have time for that" "I can’t do it in time", "I don't know" and works "within the parameters of the job description" doing the absolute minimum these are the first signs of the lack of the desire for self-improvement. The manager will always notice those employees who work hard and provide results." "Latecomers sometimes are mixed up with the really hard working counterpart but the latter has a high KPI and a rapidly growing career. As for the latecomer, he or she came too late for a promotion.
Many experts suggest excluding the phrase "I don't know", which was already mentioned above, from the lexicon: how can an employee be called a specialist if he or she uses it? Meanwhile, ignoramuses are met here and there and they are not used to being responsible for anything. Psychologist Anna Wright comments: "No sane manager will ever promote an employee who is pathologically afraid of taking responsibility on any issue. Such employee chooses avoidant behavior and prefers to "know nothing" or phrases like "I am not sure of the answer, so it is best to consult my colleague". The employee may feel that he or she is being careful but, in fact, this behavior looks like incompetence and mistrust. Therefore, this employee’s name will never come up in discussions of promotions."
People without ambition
No ambition - no promotion. Such a person may work like “the plankton” but the latter still shows ambition sometimes (although it is mostly based on nothing). And again we cannot do without talking about responsibility. Managing partner of the marketing agency "ByWing" Jacob Wade comments: "For me, it is important that the employees are ambitious, not afraid of responsibility, and are prepared to take on challenging tasks."
The “OK, Google-Guy”, or “EveryDayfly”
For some time you can really “fly” around the office and ask your colleagues favors every day because why spend effort on finishing your own task? But in this case, it is unlikely that you are in store for a bright career. Jacob Wade continues: “The employee must not constantly ask for help and look for easy solutions since it does not contribute to the employee’s development. If the specialist wants to move forward in the career he or she needs to understand the amount and complexity of work managers face.”
Human error
From most of your unhappy customers, you hear this employee’s name - the "human error" employee. Errors in details and major misconceptions indicate that the employee’s professional development has stopped. And usually, this means that the career has stopped with it. "A key factor that keeps employees from being promoted is regular errors and a complete professional stagnation," says Jacob Wade.
Conflicting aggressor
Lovers of conflict in any form and shape are also bad candidates for promotion. Who likes the never-ending disarray in the team? Extinguish the fire within yourself, count to ten, calm down. Any questions can always be resolved peacefully. Be a diplomat, learn to control your emotions. If you spend energy on conflict less of it will remain on development and growth, inspiration and initiative, addressing the complex and responsible task. And these, as follows from the review of our experts, are the key parameters for career growth.