7 Subtle Manipulation Techniques

An obvious assumption
It consists of two parts: Part 1 - a message that you need to convey to the subconsciousness. Part 2 - distracting the conscious attention with interesting, but not very important events. For example: When you read this article up to the end, you will understand how to manipulate people easily.
The rule of three “Yes”
The human brain works inertially. Probably you have noticed that it is easier to refuse for the second time that for the first one. The same applies to agreeing. It is enough to agree with the person for 3-4 times, and it will be much easier to agree with them for the fifth time. The agreement doesn’t necessarily need to be verbal, the main point is that the person agrees.
Link words
There are words that are used to connect the parts of the sentence. They make our speech logical and we get used to this logic so much that we even don’t notice when it is used against us. These words are: yes (=agreement), besides, therefore, that is why, the more - the better.
A choice without a choice
This is a very interesting variation of an obvious assumption. The person is offered a choice of two options, but either one option is unfeasible and the other is beneficial to the offerer, or both options are beneficial to the person making an offer.
Clearly, obviously, naturally
If the person is using these words in their speech, very often even their most arguable statements sound more logically. And the more confidently the person speaks, the more our consciousness believes them. Naturally, you should read this article several times. Why so? If we start to think about this statement, our brain will prompt us several answers. For example, to understand the information better or in case you forget something and need to refresh the tips…
An unfinished action
In this case, the bet is on human curiosity. The person’s attention is drawn to an unfinished phrase or action. This trick is often used in the TV-series to keep the audience in front of the screen. For example, an episode finishes at the most interesting point. An intrigue is created.
The number of repetitions
People usually don’t comprehend information at once. If you need to convey certain information, you need to repeat it for 2-3 times. Thus people can realize better what is required of them.
Manipulation or discipline
If we are talking about office environment, manipulation may not be the best option to make employees do something or perform at their best. Work discipline grants that all the deadlines will be met and performance will stay high. There is a variety of ways to maintain work discipline and productivity, for example, bonuses, but the most effective one is monitoring employees' work Tracking employees' performance weekly or monthly and offering timely feedback will bring much more benefit to the company in the long run than manipulations.