






"The first step is to decide whether you should attract attention to the abusive words. Undoubtedly there is a whole number of important reasons for that. To raise your self-esteem and to get rid of racism among the staff are worthy reasons, Williams says. “Your silence signalizes that everything is alright. In fact, you permitted the person to act the same again and again”, he believes. Probably, you get a chance to change your colleague’s behaviour to the better, and such a chance shouldn’t be missed. Zopp’s research shows that the appropriate reaction to the abusive behaviour in the moment when it occurred may lead to the positive changes in the future."







Do not throw hasty accusations. Zopp's research points out that harsh remarks - for example, "this is racism" - lead to more intensive defensive actions. Zopp is convinced that most people make a mountain out of a molehill, displaying excessive harshness: "The word "racism” reminds us about the adherents of the ideas of white domination, the Ku Klux Klan and the burning crosses - any hint of it will be unpleasant." Williams agrees: "By entering into confrontation with the abuser, you can feel like a righteous person, but no one likes to hear that he is a sexist, racist or behaving insultingly."


Williamsは、罵倒された直後に次のような質問をすることを提案しています。「どういう意味ですか」「あなたの発言はどのような情報に基づいているのですか」。相手を議論に参加させることで、その人が自分の偏見に目を向け、おそらくよく理解していない事柄を明らかにすることができるのです。 本人に自分の言葉を繰り返してもらうのもいいかもしれません。そうすれば、その人は自分の発言の真意とそれがもたらした効果をよく考え、自分の言葉を取り消す機会を得ることができるだろう。




If you decide that it's embarrassing to engage in an open confrontation, there are other ways, says Zopp. For example, you can change the subject, thereby sending a signal to a person that you do not approve of his or her remark. "We have to rely on the fact that a person has enough empathy to understand this sign," he says. You can also try to wait and see what happens. Sometimes the abuser realizes his or her mistake and apologizes.


Depending on the gravity of the insult, you can decide that you do not care about another person’s self-esteem, notes Williams: "You may have a feeling that it's time to throw down a gauntlet. If you have weighed all the pros and cons, that's fine. And if a person bristles and turns on a defensive reaction, you now have even more information about his or her true face. "



If the offensive remarks continue and you feel uneasy, perhaps it is worth drawing the attention of the management. Williams says your strength is in numbers: "Are there other people in the team who were insulted and who can provide evidence that this employee creates a hostile climate in the team? If you tried to solve the problem on your own and could not, you can tell about this in private to someone who has a higher post. " You can say: "A whole group of people found themselves in an unpleasant situation, we need your advice." Just remember, warns Williams, that "by inflating the situation, you spend most of your political capital."








加害者が偏見を持っていることを責めないこと - それは、加害者が自己防衛を強いられる可能性が高く、長期的には加害者が行動を改める可能性は低いでしょう。


Ben Brooks just came to work to one of the best consulting companies, and he and his senior colleague were talking on a conference call with the rest of the staff. In response to some words from Ben, his colleague said: "You’re such a gay!" Brooks was so shocked that he could not even say anything. "And this is the man I admired. He helped me get a job. He did not know that I was a homosexual, and seemed to treat this as something insignificant, but I immediately felt uneasy," recalls Ben. He left the office offended and angry, asking himself whether he had moved from one end of the country to another to be called gay at work.

After calming down, he went to his colleague next morning to discuss the situation. Having found the office empty, he left a note saying that they need to talk. When a colleague met him later, Ben began the conversation in a friendly manner: "I said that if I ever offend him, I want him to tell me honestly about it. He agreed". Ben explained that his colleague's remark upset him. "He immediately apologized, but somehow not too sincere," - recalls Ben. Then Ben took a deep breath and said that he was a homosexual. "When I explained to him how much I was offended by his words, he literally pressed himself into a chair with shame," says Ben. The colleague was depressed, asked with all his heart for forgiveness, and Ben forgave him.

"We all make mistakes and deserve to be given one more chance when we recognize our mistakes and apologize," says Ben. Now he works as general manager of PILOT, a start-up that helps managers retain their talented employees. Ben and a former colleague still maintain friendly relations. "I'm sure he will never call anyone gay anymore," Brooks said.


Daniel Wagner (names and some details changed), co-owner of the company specializing in finding top managers in New York, was working for more than a year with Carol, the founder of a youth educational organization. In the process of advising on hiring leaders, he was often puzzled by Carol’s certain comments and requests. For example, one day she wrote a letter to his employees and asked to find the candidates’ photo to understand how they look. She also asked them to determine the age of applicants. After one meeting, Carol noticed that the interviewee "was dressed as if she was a Baptist." Another time, when discussing an African American candidate, she expressed a concern that the color of her skin could prevent people from taking her seriously.

All this time, Daniel tried to speak directly and honestly with Carol. "As a senior in the team, I constantly tried to improve the situation myself, before she embarrassed herself," he recalls. For example, when she asked for inappropriate information about candidates, he replied: "We do not require this information because we do not base our decision on it. We focus on knowledge and skills. " And when she asked for photos, he said: "Please do not ask us about it again. This will not work".

At the same time, he never accused her of racism or other prejudices: "I did not want to make judgments about her intentions or moral qualities ... My parents sometimes make such comments, so I know that good people sometimes act inappropriately."

Carol's reaction was different. Sometimes she denied that she said something insulting, and said: "I guess you misunderstood me." Sometimes Carol apologized. But it seems that over time, Daniel's efforts were rewarded with success. "Now she says less offensive words," Daniel admits. "It has become much better."


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