

を行う企業 従業員のパフォーマンスを監視する regularly need to develop methods not only for stimulating underachievers but also for rewarding highly productive workers. However, many employers prefer to save the financial incentives till better times. Non-monetary means of motivation come to the foreground. CleverControl picked up six of the most effective ones. The word “motivation” is familiar to everyone. Each of us has felt this invisible push forcing us to move in a certain direction. But the problem is that often we feel the opposite – not enough of the motivation. According to Maslow, a person feels the need for something and therefore gets motivated when he or she feels the lack of something physiologically or psychologically. How to simulate this "lack" so that employees would be naturally motivated to work effectively and so that the company did not bear any expenses?




Of course, it is important to give people the opportunity to grow. Not everyone has the time and money to gain experience and to make progress. Therefore, many organizations send their staff to additional training to increase their qualification without any additional costs (if you employ internal resources or arrangements with partners). Diana Grant, the editor-in-chief of the "Quick Environment" magazine, believes that free education has several indisputable advantages: "During any crisis, one of the most effective ways of non-material motivation is the free education. The management and staff are well aware that the first ones to be reduced are ineffective employees. Training is a real chance to learn to work better, and hence not be reduced." The greater the set of knowledge, skills, and qualities of a particular employee is the more valuable he or she is for the company.


A great idea is to send your team to a resort! Christina Hughes, the head of the HR Department at Delivery Hit says that it is a wonderful way to maintain the employees’ productivity which goes down sooner or later: "A short trip without interruption of work is a great idea to cheer up the team and shake up the tired employees. It's kind of a second breath: the reconciliation of work and resort." Travel fills your team with new energy says the press-secretary of "Exhibition" Charles West: "After successfully reaching another business goal we organize a corporate trip. The point is to connect with the beautiful, to see the masterpieces of culture, and to get into a new atmosphere. Such trips "load" employees with new experiences and "unload" their minds, broaden their horizons and fill them with creative energy.”

第4のアイデア: 進歩のための贈り物



定期的に「一番売れた人」「今月一番効率の良かった人」を競うことで、従業員のモチベーションを上げることができます。この方法は心理学の観点からも非常に有効で、さらに、より良くなろうという気持ちや競争心がチームの効率を高めてくれるのです。「また、販売だけでなく、サービスにも力を入れることが重要です。優勝者には休暇を延長したり、会社のパートナーから賞状をもらったり、さらに名誉の壁に掲載することもできます。と、コンサルティングセンター "WE "の創設者であり、ゼネラルディレクターのエマ・ウェーバーは語った。


「非物質的な動機付けの最良の方法のひとつは、劇場や展覧会などの文化的イベントへの無料入場です」-音楽家であり音楽プロデューサーでもあるロナルド・ベイツは言う。彼のプロダクションでは、コンサート・エージェンシーに情報提供することで、文化イベントに招待されることがよくある。「これは従業員にとって大きなボーナスだ」とベイツは強調する。結論 まとめると、非金銭的な方法で従業員の高い生産性と効率を確保することは、経営者が意図的かつ実践的にアプローチすれば、どの企業でも可能であると言える。そして、そのようなモチベーションの高いチームによって、会社を新しいレベルに引き上げることができるのです。そして...金銭的な動機付けについても考えてみてください。


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