22 Office Perks from the Most Original and Caring Companies

Companies want to stand out: slides in the office, lunches from the best chefs, skiing, help in difficult situations, and even delivery of breast milk. And that is not all.
Glassdoor, a resource that enables people to talk about their experiences of working in different companies, has created a list of 20 companies with the best perks for employees.
We have collected and chosen for you the most interesting perks, avoiding the mention of insurance and fitness clubs memberships which are, of course, the fashionable aspects of corporate culture nowadays, but it is more interesting to talk about the exceptional cases.
Says Brian Ortega, the managing partner of the Agency Global Nota:
This software company gives employees £5,000. This bonus is issued when a person joins the team and is called "Huddle Cuddle". Another bonus of £500 is given each year to each employee, regardless of his or her results.
The company sends all employees on an annual fully prepaid vacation.
Airbnb (The best employer of 2016!)
Airbnb gives employees $2,000, so they can travel and see the world.
This service for the travel planning and tickets sales, lets its employees enjoy impressive discounts in beauty salons and bars near the office.
The Body Shop
Each employee of The Body Shop can spend 5 days per year on volunteering and doing something for the good of society, nature, and so on.
Peninsula Business Services
Each Christmas the company organizes a big celebration for all employees’ children.
AutoTrader UK
AutoTrader - a British company, which has its own club of wine lovers, so that each month employees are delivered great wine to their front doors.
Opus Professional Services
This company has a villa in Italy, which each employee can use for any purpose at any time of the year.
It does not limit the employees in terms of vacation. They can take as many leave days a year as they consider necessary.
This giant in the world of technology feeds all of its employees for free while they are at work.
After the death of a partner or a spouse, the company pays an employee extra 50% of the salary for the next 10 years.
Holiday Extras
This company rents a whole cinema once a year so that all employees and their families could watch some interesting film together.
"Snow Days" from the company Burton are whole days of staff skiing or snowboarding. For this company provides free ski passes.
Company gives $1,200 to students so that they can pay for tuition.
At Twilio, all employees receive free Kindle eBooks and $30 per month to spend on books.
The company completely shuts down for one day in December and for a whole week in the summer.
Employees can attend acupuncture sessions or, for example, improvisation classes.
Every employee gets the opportunity to find a mentor/coach for professional and personal development.
This quite large estate agency surprisingly delivers breast milk to children whose mothers are on business trips.
After giving birth, the company's employees are given 6 months paid leave and an individual plan for returning to the workplace. In addition, the company provides financial support for treating infertility to those who need it.
In the meeting room everybody is welcomed to play table tennis.
Missing Link
The office of the South African department of this design agency looks insanely cool: here you can slide down a pole like a fireman, then visit the shooting range, and even get a tattoo. By the way, at the shooting range you will be offered to permanently destroy all the clichés that are found in presentations.
This recruiting agency offers all employees to forget about cleaning their houses once and for all because the company pays for cleaning services and every two weeks staff’s apartments are tidied up perfectly.