Staff control - Secrets of employee management

Staff control - Secrets of employee management

One of the key elements of human resource management is careful control over staff's operations. This function is usually performed by one of the managers. By control in this instance we mean monitoring productivity of tasks assigned to the company’s employees. Types of control may vary. Nowadays the main types (in accordance with the result of company’s staff work) are preliminary, recurring and final control. They imply corresponding stages of the tasks assigned to the staff.

  • Preliminary control. What controlled at this stage is how well prepared the fulfillment of a certain member of staff’s task is. Also at this stage training of a manager who will control the process of the task fulfillment takes place.

  • Recurring control. This step checks how a task assigned to a member of staff is being fulfilled at the current time.

  • Final control. This is the type of control occurs when final fulfillment of a task is tested and it is being tried out in practice.

One of the major stages in the staff management is regular monitoring. Such control allows you to monitor execution of a task phase by phase and to adjust the plan of action and eliminate emerging errors in time which in itself can help to achieve the goal. As means of such control we can use reports of people responsible for fulfillment of the task and of a manager who is responsible for control on certain stages of the task.

All the factors listed above allow us to consider control to be one of the fundamental elements of the success of an organization. Staff control program is recommended to be developed in accordance with the company's objectives, while also giving each employee the authority and responsibility according to the level of his or her training and knowledge. It is also recommended to include personnel certification in the list of activities during preliminary control.

This will help to determine which employee will be able to perform a certain task on the way to achieving the main goal. Control Program of personnel can also be continuous and selective, as well as of normal intensity or reinforced.

This will help to determine which employee will be able to perform a certain task on the way to achieving the main goal. Control Program of personnel can also be continuous and selective, as well as of normal intensity or reinforced.

For choosing the best option for monitoring there is a variety of different tools that can help you to achieve a success in your company. you can find the list of such tools.

  • Coverage of the main spheres of company’s activities through the processes taking place there.

  • Continuity which is determined by a corresponding characteristic of industrial and economic activity of a company and which in some cases can be carried out intermittently.

  • The capability of attracting a large part of a company’s staff to implement a single act of control.

  • Flexibility and adaptability to changes in the company which provides a fairly high quality and efficiency in dealing with a specific task at hand.

Each phase when successfully passed on the way to the main goal is in itself an intermediate achievement. Also through personnel control it is possible to determine the potential of the workforce in the organization where such control takes place. Control plays a special role in the attitude of the staff of a company. If employees of the organization will be informed in advance about the tools, elements, and methods of such a procedure which is carried out by managers it is possible that the integrity level will be higher. During staff control the most important factor is the trust that an executive a manager and employees have for each other.

Measure of trust also increases work capacity and success rate of a task that is kept under control. This scheme of control is called triangular. Through this scheme successful feedback obtaining is ensured from any participant in the system of fulfillment of the task set for company’s staff. Feedback works in contrast with detection of defects and flaws of the system. This makes it possible to find, understand, and correct an error in the task at hand or a disagreement within the team in a very short time.

Consequently you will not have to redo the work several times which leads to a reduction in time-consuming. Monitoring activity is a measure of the efficiency of team’s workforce which may also be a criterion for evaluating each employee individually and the whole team in general. Successful work in a team should be encouraged by means of a specially developed system of bonuses of which employees are notified when getting a job in a company.


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