Recruitment as One of the Components of Successful Business

Recruitment as One of the Components of Successful Business

Recruitment process is for sure familiar to anyone who has ever worked in a company or had a job interview. A manager who has a certain experience knows exactly what kind of employees are required and what set of personal and professional skills they need to have. But any case has its exceptions and golden rules which should be adhered to. In this case the rules apply to those employees whom you should never hire under any circumstances and any conditions. The basis of successful activity of any company is its lack of employees who are family members or friends of the employer’s.

As a rule these people eventually start believing that they should be treated differently from everyone else. This kind of attitude in a work team leads to the rest of the participants resorting to conflict as a way of establishing justice. In this case it is very difficult to maintain treating the situation impartially especially if slandering somebody from employer’s family was attempted. And afterwards it will be quite hard to restore a trusting relationship with a person who is not an outsider because of a quarrel that occurred during working time. The next category of people whom you should never hire is also associated with relatives, only in this case, employees' relatives.

It often happens that a team member tries to recommend somebody from his or her inner circle for a vacant position. Recommendations regarding this person may coincide with his or her competence and knowledge but an employer has to understand that it is impossible to know all the details and it is better not to take such responsibility. If it so happens that an employer and a newly hired worker will not reach an understanding it is likely to also ruin relationship both professional and personal with the one whom recommendations came from.

It is also worth paying attention to those who only create semblance of activity. Such a person can be detected at the very first interview. They are highly unlikely to give a call if they happen to run a bit late for the meeting because of the immaturity whereas an adequate person responsible for their actions would find a way to do it. The resume of such candidate often does not contain any specific information, they say only negative things about their previous jobs, and all their answers to the questions are not thorough and out of the ordinary superficial. When hiring such a person it is important to understand that all they will do is create semblance of activity and their efficiency will be extremely low.

There is also a category of so-called dependent employees. They do not know how to make their own decisions and refer to their supervisor on every occasion without even considering the fact that it might take up too much time. They need clear guidance and do not have creative thinking or initiative. Probably nothing bad will be heard about such people from their last place of work because it is likely that they have always carried out their duties. But how it was done and under what conditions is also important. A person who has the above-mentioned characteristics and who wants to get a job should just be asked the following questions: "What personal achievements do you have? And what professional level have you achieved?”. It is most likely that such a person will stumble.

And finally it is essential to remember that you should never get influenced by momentary emotions. If a potential employee is too good and you get a feeling that you won’t ever find anyone like that or vice versa you get an overwhelming sense of pity it is worth considering thoroughly whether or not to hire them straight away. In this case it is important to develop professional intuition which will help to make the right choice.


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