Mais frouxo como um sintoma
Muitos empregadores acreditam que a construção de uma equipa é o seu único objectivo. Mas os criadores de TI acreditam que a equipa deve ser periodicamente testada quanto à presença de pessoas que se deslocam De acordo com as estatísticas, em empresas com mais de 50 pessoas, 38% do tempo que os empregados passam nas suas responsabilidades directas, 36% - em questões relacionadas com o trabalho e 26% - em actividades não definíveis.
Estes números provêm dos criadores do software de monitorização de funcionários CleverControl. Segundo eles, a ideia do programa surgiu da constatação de que qualquer negócio funciona bem sob uma condição - quando todos os empregados são honestos e responsáveis. Duas empresas no mesmo mercado com condições iniciais iguais podem ter resultados dramaticamente diferentes, porque um director comercial foi honesto, e o outro obteve rendimentos adicionais dos concorrentes das empresas.
A vigilância está a crescer
"We thought about how to give managers a reliable tool for understanding who is who in the team: who is actually working and who just talks about it," says one of the lead developers Mark Masters. Then they realized that it should be a software product, devoid of subjectivity “When we started to introduce our product, it seemed that companies are full of lazy and unscrupulous people,” laughs Mark, “but then we realized that, if employees spend a lot of time on non-business-related websites, or write personal emails this means that some business processes are not properly aligned.”
Por exemplo, o departamento de marketing, por quaisquer razões, forneceu aos vendedores apenas 1000 contactos, embora estes pudessem contactar um número muito maior de clientes. O objectivo foi alcançado e no mês seguinte foi estabelecido para exactamente o mesmo número, pelo que a equipa de vendas continua a trabalhar a meio, e o programa pode registar tais casos.
In other words, not all companies are able to determine the maximum level of results that can be demanded from employees. "Our program should not encourage managers to use punitive measures. Dismissing a person is the easiest thing you can do. Instead we need to figure out the reason of slacking, as experience shows that the majority of people start aimlessly browsing the Internet only when they quickly finish all the tasks at hand or when they do not have clear objectives." Often, there are other situations - in which it is not possible to administer justice without monitoring systems, according to the developer.
"For example, in any company’s sales department there is always an employee who beats the target and one who cannot. But sometimes, surprisingly, it turns the former one spends much time on sites unrelated to work tasks, but the latter does not. In fact, he or she only uses the Internet for work-related browsing. The explanation is simple: the first one works only with old familiar clients who want to renew the contracts, and the second one is left with cold calling new clients."
Benefício do Controlo
IT-developers believe that employee monitoring is not a bad thing, but a great opportunity to understand the problem. "I will not say that monitoring never causes a negative reaction. It does and sometimes even leads to employee dismissal, but the program has always been intended as a tool for motivation," says Mark.
According to him today the number one enemy of productivity is non-work-related online resources, such as social networks. Studies show that an employee requires about 23 minutes for re-focusing on his or her task after a distraction. "Another problem is smoking,” says Mark, “it is obvious that people who smoke get distracted more often than non-smokers. And for that our program includes recording of periods of activity and inactivity during the working hours."