25 Unique Job Perks Redefining Employee Benefits

25 Unique Job Perks Redefining Employee Benefits

Companies always look for new, better methods to attract and retain star employees. The company provides several unique bonuses and standard benefits to attract and retain top talent. The purpose of these benefits is to improve morale throughout the organization and encourage more productivity and creativity.

Employees have different wants and goals, so companies are responding by providing a wide range of perks, from the ability to work remotely and health and wellness programs to sabbaticals and individualized benefit packages. This article delves into 25 of the most out-of-the-ordinary benefits innovative organizations offer to boost morale and productivity.

What is a job perk, and why is it important?

A job perk, often known as an employee benefit, is a form of financial or non-financial reward given to workers in addition to their base compensation. These benefits are meant to make workers' lives easier and happier. Workplace advantages can take many forms, including parental leave, health insurance, training and education possibilities, and child care. Employee benefits play a significant role for several reasons. They are crucial in luring and keeping the best employees. Providing generous benefits to employees helps businesses stand out in today's tight labor market.

Job perks can boost morale and encourage workers to do their best. Employees are more invested in their jobs and loyal to their employers when they feel appreciated and cared for by their superiors. Benefits help employees maintain a healthy work-life balance and general happiness, boosting productivity and decreasing burnout. Giving employees incentives at work is a great way to show that the company cares about their well-being and values their contributions.

Top 25 Unusual Job Perks that Companies Provide to Their Employees

  • Remote Workdays

    The advent of remote work has revolutionized the modern office by enabling workers to do their jobs anywhere with an internet connection, even in their homes. Workers who can work from home tend to be more satisfied with their jobs and have a better work-life balance than those who don't. One such company is Automattic, the parent company of WordPress, which operates as a fully distributed workforce, allowing its employees to work from any location worldwide.

  • Flexible Schedule

    Employees with access to flexible schedules have the freedom to set their work hours. Those with busy schedules or unusual needs can benefit greatly from this bonus. Salesforce is one organization that allows for more adaptable work hours. Employees are trusted and given autonomy over their schedules, which promotes a balanced existence outside of work.

  • Childcare Support

    Businesses that offer childcare services understand the value of aiding working parents in juggling their personal and professional lives. On-site kindergartens, subsidized creche services, and extended maternity and paternity leaves are all examples of childcare benefits. Patagonia is one such company because of its emphasis on a work-life balance for its employees and the on-site childcare facilities it provides.

  • Pet-friendly Work Environment

    An office that allows pets is like heaven on earth for animal lovers. Pet-friendly workplaces provide a happier and less stressful environment for everyone. Employee morale, stress levels, and team spirit can all benefit from having pets around the office. Google is an excellent case of a pet-friendly business, as staff are encouraged to bring their canine companions to work with them.

  • Flexible Dress Code

    Giving workers latitude in how they dress for work enables them to express their individuality while yet professionally presenting themselves. This benefit allows workers more freedom of expression, whether through a "dress for your day" policy or a more relaxed "business casual" dress code. By allowing for a broader range of clothing options at work, a company can foster a more welcoming and supportive atmosphere for its employees.

  • Employee Discounts and Free Products/Services

    Incentives like free or heavily discounted goods and services foster a mutually beneficial connection between the firm and its workforce. Providing employees with access to special perks has a multiplicative effect on employee loyalty and pride in their company. Staff members given free or heavily reduced access to a company's offerings are likelier to promote that business to their personal and professional networks. This benefit increases employee happiness and expands the company's client base and reputation thanks to the employees' genuine enthusiasm for and endorsement of the business.

  • Personal Care Services

    A company's dedication to its employees' health and happiness can be seen as benefits catering to their personal needs. These services improve morale and productivity in the workplace by making it easier for employees to relax and unwind. Airbnb stands out as an employer that goes above and above by offering its staff wellness rooms and relaxing places.

  • Free Professional Training and Education

    Businesses that support their workers' growth as professionals have an advantage in the hiring market. Training programs, workshops, seminars, and webinars made available to employees at no cost help them develop professionally and contribute to the company's success as a whole. Employees who receive this benefit report feeling respected and encouraged to pursue professional growth, promoting a culture of continual learning and progress.

  • Wellness Allowance

    Some businesses also offer a wellness budget that workers can put towards preventative health measures, medical insurance, and other standard benefits. A wellness budget can be used to pay health club dues, yoga sessions, smartphone apps for stress reduction, and nutritional supplements. Organizations can improve morale, absenteeism, and workplace satisfaction by urging workers to prioritize health and happiness.

  • Travel Opportunities

    Travel incentives at work allow workers to see the world and experience other ways of life. Traveling for business purposes, whether for meetings, getaways, or team-building exercises, can be pretty beneficial. The thrill and adventure that comes with travel incentives are contagious in the workplace and do wonders for morale and productivity.

  • Volunteer Time Off (VTO)

    Paid time off for employees to volunteer in their communities is known as Volunteer Time Off (VTO). In addition to their usual duties, employees can contribute to society through this perk, increasing their sense of purpose and fulfillment. In addition to demonstrating a company's dedication to corporate social responsibility, VTO programs inspire workers to be engaged, empathetic members of society.

  • Meditation and Mindfulness Programs

    Programs teaching employees how to practice mindfulness and meditation have grown in popularity to manage stress better, sharpen concentration, and boost morale. Companies that invest in their employees' mental health by offering meditation classes, mindfulness workshops, or designated meditation areas send a positive message. Employees benefit from these programs because they can better deal with stress, build resilience, and strike a good work-life balance.

  • Free Lunches/Dinners

    Providing employees with free lunches or dinners is a reward that helps them save money and time, and it also helps build team spirit. Businesses may ensure their workers have the stamina and enthusiasm they need to get through the day by providing them with healthy meals at the office. Dropbox, as one example, fosters a fun and friendly work environment by providing daily catered lunches for its staff.

  • Unlimited Paid Time Off (PTO)

    Progressive businesses are increasingly following the practice of providing unlimited PTO to their employees. Under this plan, workers can take as many vacation days as needed, whenever needed. This benefit encourages a trusting and accountable work environment where employees are trusted with their time and encouraged to strike a good work-life balance.

  • On-site Recreational Facilities

    Businesses that invest in their employees' health and well-being by installing amenities like gyms, game rooms, and leisure places in the workplace do their part to help people balance their professional and personal lives. During breaks, employees can use these facilities to relax, refuel, and bond with their coworkers. The presence of on-site recreational facilities has increased job satisfaction and promoted teamwork and camaraderie among workers.

    25 Unusual Job Perks that Companies Provide To Their Employees
  • Bring Your Device (BYOD) Policies

    With the advent of bring-your-own-device (BYOD) rules, employees are free to use their devices for work. This benefit gives familiarity and convenience for workers, but it also necessitates adequate security measures to protect the company's data. Employee monitoring solutions like CleverControl (https://clevercontrol.com/) may serve as one of such security measures. However, to protect employee data and promote a healthy separation between work and personal life, businesses must find a balance by monitoring only work-related activities.

  • Transportation Benefits

    Employers who chip in towards their workers' transport costs help ease the daily grind. These advantages could come in discounted passes for public transport, rideshare credits, or even secure bike parking on the premises. Companies that help their employees with transportation costs and logistics have employees that are more punctual and invested in their work. This benefit shows that the company cares about the environment by encouraging greener modes of transportation and cutting down on carbon emissions.

  • Sabbaticals

    Sabbaticals allow workers to take time off, either with or without pay, to explore new areas of interest, learn about themselves, or pursue other personal goals. Businesses that allow employees to take sabbaticals value their workers' need for time away from the office to focus on self-improvement. Employees who take sabbaticals often return to their jobs with new ideas, less burnout, and greater loyalty.

  • Health Programs

    Companies that care about their workers' well-being often provide them with wellness initiatives such as fitness classes, gym memberships, and spa days. Employee productivity is boosted, and healthcare expenditures are decreased due to these programs' emphasis on healthy living. Johnson & Johnson is well-known for its extensive wellness programs for employees, which include gyms, health screenings, and stress relief tools.

  • Summer Fridays

    During the warmer months, many employers offer their staff the option of taking off Fridays from work entirely or leaving early. This benefit recognizes the value of a healthy work-life balance and shows appreciation for employees' efforts throughout the week. Employees' spirits can be lifted and a more upbeat mood established by allowing them to take Fridays off during the summer to spend time with their families.

  • Career Pathing and Development Plans

    Organizations that help workers map out their professional development opportunities give workers the tools they need to set and reach long-term objectives within the company. Employees can chart their professional development courses and access the tools necessary for advancement, thanks to mentorship and skills evaluation programs and training possibilities. Employees that receive this benefit report higher levels of engagement and loyalty, lower attrition, and more success in retaining top talent.

  • Personalized Workspace Design

    Workspaces that may be tailored to each worker's individual needs and preferences are becoming increasingly common. Companies that value employee comfort and productivity provide amenities such as standing workstations, ergonomic seats, and flexible seating arrangements. This benefit recognizes that employees have a wide range of preferred working methods, which fosters a more accepting and creative environment.

  • Tech-Savvy Perks

    Progressive businesses encourage original thinking by providing their employees with state-of-the-art benefits. These benefits might range from presenting staff with the latest electronic gadgets and encouraging them to try new technologies to provide them access to online learning platforms. Giving workers access to cutting-edge technology helps businesses keep pace with the latest developments in their field and attract and retain talented people who can thrive in an ever-changing digital environment.

  • Professional Networking Opportunities

    Companies that value employee networking opportunities provide workers with the means to develop meaningful professional relationships. One example of this perk is financial support for participation in professional gatherings like conventions and workshops. Employees encouraged to network can better learn about new trends in the sector, collaborate on projects, and form new commercial relationships. It improves the firm's image and creates prospects for further cooperation and development.

  • Employee Recognition Programs

    A program to publicly thank and recognize employees for their efforts is crucial to building a positive work environment. Awards for exceptional performance, peer-to-peer recognition platforms, and regular celebrations are all examples of the kind of programs that may fall under this category. Organizational morale, motivation, and positive behavior are all boosted when employees are publicly recognized for their achievements. Employees are more motivated to go above and beyond in their work when they feel appreciated for the efforts they've already put in, thanks to the positive effects of recognition on job satisfaction and pride in one's work.


The context of job perks has evolved beyond traditional benefits. Companies are becoming creative with their benefits packages to entice and keep the best employees. Workplaces with uncommon perks, such as those that allow for remote work, individual benefit packages, sabbaticals, and employee recognition programs, tend to be more positive and productive places to work. The foundation for a successful and happy workforce is laid by progressive companies that value employee health, development, and happiness.


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