




  1. 雇员的行动自由,有能力计划一天的工作。

  2. 具备有效工作的条件,需要安静、集中和创造性。

  3. 有可能从事副业,从而增加收入。


  1. 与同事缺乏沟通(自发的讨论,甚至是思想兴盛的冲突)。

  2. 由于时间管理不力,没有足够的时间在最后期限前完成任务,或将任务推迟到最后期限前完成,并且做得很差,这种风险。

  3. Only well-developed, "advanced" companies with a high level of employee engagement can make remote employees working effectively.

3 远程工作的主要缺点



  1. "It is fashionable, it is a trend, we work with Millennials, let's use it!" There is a misconception that Generation Y wants to work purely from home. In fact, they appreciate the opportunity to influence their work schedule, comfortable working environment, and modern offices.

  2. "We are an IT company, let's be like Facebook or Google. If someone wants to work remotely we will let them." Before offering the opportunity to choose a work schedule Facebook and Google have come a long way full of ups and downs, and they are now creating mini-cities for employees so that they would strive to be there all the time!

  3. "We are a small company, let's have our employees work at home and we will save on the office!" It is important here not to prioritize saving money but focus on company’s business profile, the level of management in the company, and the level of employee engagement. Otherwise, it is likely that while saving some money on office, you will lose twice as much on the sales.



  1. "It is fashionable, it is a trend, we work with Millennials, let's use it!" There is a misconception that Generation Y wants to work purely from home. In fact, they appreciate the opportunity to influence their work schedule, comfortable working environment, and modern offices.

  2. 如果工作是以结果为导向的,而且不需要一直在办公室里,而且结果容易衡量和控制。

  3. 如果公司有技术能力和服务,让员工在办公室外方便有效地工作。

  4. 如果工作的大部分时间是独立的。

  5. 鉴于上述情况,如果员工愿意,公司可以将远程工作作为一项特权提供给员工。我知道有这样的案例:远程员工来到联合办公中心或咖啡馆工作,只是为了与人相处,而不是与同事相处。这样的氛围比独自坐在家里更能激励他们。


最后,该公司首席执行官丹尼斯-巴尼特(Denise Barnett)向我们讲述了她的人力资源机构中员工远程工作的真实经历以及他们的看法。






Thinking about the implementation of the format of remote work, I recommend to honestly answer yourself the question "Am I ready for this type of management? Do I trust my staff 100%? Will I be able to stop myself from micro-managing everything?" And if you honestly said Yes, then go ahead to transition to this new level of interaction!”

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