What to do with the “latecomers”? How effective is issuing electronic access cards and subtracting minutes of lateness from wages or introducing the rule that every employee who is late should put $5 in a jar? What else can you use to discipline such employees: introduce talks to the manager, reprimanding, caricaturing, or maybe, not paying attention? Director of the MBA program "Innovation in Management" Emily Reid told CleverControl how and when to punish employees for being late.
Since the discipline, in this case, is directly linked to the quality of goods and services (and consequently to customer loyalty and economic viability of the company) there is no point in wasting time on caricatures, fines and other "tricks". You can allow an employee to be late one or two times excusing it with force majeure or some unexpected circumstances, but the third time you are safe to dismiss him or her.
All companies have their own cultural code: in some, they will hold the door before you and smile, in others – just mumble something in response to your "Thank you, goodbye!" The cultural code can and should be changed with deliberate action considering that politer people are nicer to be around.
如果你是他们的客户,从他们那里购买和听取他们的促销优惠会更令人愉快。这意味着客户和合作伙伴会更乐意与具有 "国王的礼貌 "的人合作。
Should you punish the colleagues who do not recognize this etiquette rule? Most likely, fines and reprimands will be useless. But it is, of course, necessary to talk directly about the fact that being late to meetings is unacceptable, as well as the fact that the employee's inability to recognize company’s "cultural code" brings his or her future in the company into question. A punctual majority is the best helper in educating the unpunctual minority: when politeness becomes a generally accepted social norm, people will try to adhere to it to "be good."
Alas, in companies without digitized goals and objectives the crusade for discipline often becomes manager’s way to say "You are working badly!"
As a rule, employees do not agree: they themselves believe that they work "fine" or even "well." But it is ineffective to talk about work on the level of subjective assessment, it is necessary to introduce clear, obvious metrics that are recognized by both sides, for example:
Each quarter, our sales grow for the "x"% value;
Turnover of sales staff does not exceed the "y" value;
In this case, you should talk with the subordinates not like "Why are you late?", but rather "What can we do to move forward in line with our ambitious plan?"
That's the point: companies need not so much "disciplined" employees but those who work efficiently. And managers are concerned not so much with the fact that the employees come to the office 15 minutes late, but the fact that they do not do enough. They do not commit themselves to work completely. But who does? Maybe children playing some entertaining game in a courtyard ? Perhaps. They do not need to be convinced to come to the game earlier, the problem is most likely the opposite – parents cannot drag them home.
Or take for example young "nerds" in a startup company who are trying to create something that no one understands but that thing will soon change the world? These guys come to their garage early in the morning, and they are not motivated by a desire to avoid the penalty for lateness.
We admire their culture and sometimes it surprises us: a friend of mine recently got a job at an American office of one multinational company. He comically tells the story of how he was not able to get any other answer to his question about his working hours except for "It would be great if you would come somewhere between eight and ten..."
It just so happens, that the function of control is the essence of the identification of the "manager".
Unfortunately, these managers often do not have any other managerial skills except "surveillance". They are not engaged in the design of a business system, the development of a business strategy, do not study the customers or the industry and do not succeed as coaches for middle managers ... Alas, this is the saddest and almost insoluble context of struggle with the struggle of lateness: when the manager is busy with discipline because... well, what else should he or she control?
"Management of lateness" has no universal set of the right tools. Softness in some situations turns into permissiveness, which costs the company its profits, customers and causes reputational damage.
At the same time, it is hard to find a less productive culture than the “culture of the kindergarten”, when the schedule is defined by the "adults" and the "children" are subjected to it.
维持纪律和控制迟到的一个好方法是员工监控。监控软件将跟踪员工何时来,何时走,以及他们花多少时间工作。对于员工时间安排比较灵活的办公室来说,这将特别方便,因为它将节省经理控制出勤的大量时间。同时,与经理的直接控制相比,该软件对员工来说将是一种压力小得多的监督方法。今天的市场提供了大量的员工追踪解决方案,适合各种品味和预算。如果你想知道如何为你的公司选择最好的一个,请查看 我们的指南.