After I arrived at the appointed time, I was kept near the door for about one and a half hours on purpose. When my inner peace and endurance gave way to more vigorous negative feelings, I decided to wait. I wondered how this will end. Exactly one hour thirty minutes later supercilious female voice invited me into the office. Human Resources Director closed Solitaire window on her computer and gestured me to a chair. Then she pulled out my three-sheet resume and studied it as if she saw it for the first time. After that, she asked me a few general questions, which had nothing to do with my skills or job requirements: where I studied, where I was born, what was my previous job. The position I was interviewed for required the knowledge of two foreign languages. So I was asked how well I can speak them. I said “well” and the interview was over. She wanted to say goodbye, but I asked if she would like to test my language skills. To which she answered that she was confident in my competence. "Thank you, we'll call you", and thus she ended the meeting.
On my way out I met my future supervisor who was, in fact, the one looking for the expert with the knowledge in two foreign languages. I slowed down a little and saw him looking in the HR department’s door, asking how the interviews were going. "Not one suitable candidate," said the supercilious female voice. At that moment I was standing near the door and handed my resume to the man offering to talk to me. In this company I worked for many years, reached great career heights, bringing great professional and commercial benefits to the company and to myself.
Unfortunately, today the situation is not any different. In my opinion, there are two reasons. First one is the tradition. Despite the fact that "cadres decide everything" the Human Resources department has always been one of the most inefficient ones in any company. Therefore, professionalism of the staff is limited to filling various forms and documents and track working time. It does not require too much skill and knowledge and is not paid well. That’s why HR staff’s motivation is not excellent and, consequently, the same goes for their professionalism and experience. Because of this, they may not have sufficient competence to properly evaluate the candidates. They cannot verify the knowledge of foreign languages, as they themselves do not know any (if they did, they probably would not be working in HR). They cannot assess skills and competence, as they themselves do not possess them. And most importantly, they do not have the proper experience and psychological education, to see the potential of a candidate and to be able to reveal it during the interview, or at least help the candidate to speak freely and easily given the level of stress job interviews are associated with.
The second reason, which partly derives from the first one is the lack of internal maturity, wisdom, and self-sufficiency. This leads to the desire to assert oneself, to feel the power and importance, to bring to life internal unrealized ambitions. This leads to haughty conversations, embarrassing questions, and other actions masquerading as the parts of a "stress interview".
从事人力资源工作的专业人员现在受到更多的赞赏,被视为公司的主要组成部分之一。毕竟,做生意的都是人。在当今大多数领先的公司中,都有在商业和管理方面具有丰富经验的专业人员,他们拥有心理学学位。他们可以从专业的角度看待候选人,能够在面试中揭示他们个性的最佳品质,并看到他们的潜力和未来的机会。如果不幸遇到 "来自过去 "的人力资源经理,这里有一些真正的解决方案。
你也可以尝试 "适应 "你的面试官,并创造一种融洽的关系。试着找到主导动机,很可能是对权威的认可。因此,用几句恭维的话来证明招聘者的重要性是不会错的。但最主要的是不要做得太过分。