The danger of hiring a disloyal employee

The danger of hiring a disloyal employee

The term "loyalty" has entered the lexicon of executives and HR managers quite recently, but its exact definition is not clear, since every executive defines the loyalty criteria by themselves, ranging from personal allegiance to a formal compliance with the rules. Although there is something in common for all the definitions - an employee is considered to be loyal if they can be relied on, they can complete a task, or, at least warn you of the impossibility of its completion. Problems may occur with the employees, which have not been fired when their disloyalty to the organization or the head had been discovered. Even if said employee has all the necessary knowledge and skills and is highly qualified, there might be many reasons why they work poorly.

Low salary may be the reason, as well as incomplete benefits or office inconveniences, which force an employee to spend time on complaints and this dissatisfaction will spread among all workers, infecting them one by one. Another problem is the staff who see an organization as a transitional stage in their careers, they do not care about a common cause, and they do not see a leader in their superior. Gathered together, disloyal employees set each other against management, and put the non-content under public reprimand.

There are no surefire ways to identify disloyal employees, but there are loyalty criteria that allow making approximate conclusions. The first way to identify disgruntled employees - is to begin to ask questions, those who do not conceal anything will answer questions without hesitation or evasion, so that at times it becomes immediately clear what their disposition is. But perhaps it will require to ask personal questions, to form an opinion about an employee, evasive answers indicate a desire to hide something.

More evidence of disloyalty are lies, half-truths, concealment and blackmail. For example, an employee’s talk about him or her being lured by your competitors but, and how you can keep him or her by raising the salary. There is no point in keeping such an employee, because they will leave anyway. Any interference in the affairs of personnel management can also be a sign of disloyalty, for instance, frequent advice that is not wanted by the manager or imposing of employee’s point of view.

All this shows that en employee does not think you are able to manage a team and trying to take away your rights, which is unacceptable. Of course, to achieve the loyalty from all employees is impossible, but you need to ensure that key positions are occupied by reliable people on whom you can count on in a crucial moment. Those who will not flee during difficult times are the asset that will help in conquering new heights.


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