La recherche du talent

No major HR-conference is complete without the talk of the lack of staff and the war for talented specialists. Why has competition between employers aggravated? Who are the "talent", and why do companies need them so much?
Au fond
On peut expliquer la pénurie de personnel par deux facteurs. Le premier est la baisse du niveau d'éducation. Les diplômés doivent apprendre et s'adapter aux réalités du monde des affaires, mais les entreprises ont besoin de professionnels ici et maintenant.
Le deuxième facteur est "l'hiver démographique". Alors que les générations plus âgées quittent le marché du travail, les jeunes ne peuvent pas les remplacer parce qu'ils sont trop peu nombreux.
Aussi précieux que l'or
Good young professionals in the labor market are rare, but specialists with good professional training are twice as rare. A competent HR-manager should come to the following conclusion: "If a talented employee does not work for us, then he or she works for our competitors."
"Twenty or thirty years ago equating human resources to other resources of the company (production, finance, etc.) was already considered to be quite a progressive trend, by today the situation has changed, - says Brandon Valdez, a leading business coach, head of career management department in HRPartners, - “This is due to demographic processes, plus the unstable economic situation in the world which demand new approaches."
What is the new approach? Practices of talent management are coming to the foreground. "This new strategic approach to human resource management, which includes a set of measures from hiring required candidates to leadership development, coaching in the workplace, assessment of potential and so forth," - Brandon explains.
soulevées dans votre équipe
La gestion des talents comprend donc le recrutement, le développement et la rétention des employés.
"In many companies, the focus has shifted from the employment to the personnel reserve. Rather than re-educate beginners, companies want to hire the right candidates, not wasting resources on adaptation but spending them on the development of highly productive employees and leadership programs," - says Brandon Valdez.
Le concept clé ici est celui d'employés hautement productifs. L'entreprise ne peut se permettre d'investir dans le développement professionnel que si elle s'attend à récupérer ses dépenses à l'avenir. Il est donc logique d'investir dans ceux qui sont capables de devenir un spécialiste unique, un leader du secteur, un bon gestionnaire.
"Nowadays simply hiring staff is not the biggest challenge. Now we need to recruit those who can adapt as quickly as possible to the culture and main goal of the company", - says the expert from HRPartners. In order for the talent management practices to be productive, you should pay attention to its first phase – selection.
Les talents et les admirateurs
Who are the "talent"? Harold James, the CEO of consulting company TalentPuzzle is convinced that HR-managers are too attached to this word. "This term "the talent" nowadays every company understands differently, - says the expert. - Many imitate Jack Welch, who singled out 20% of the best employees in each department and called them the "A" category. I think he is the originator of the fashion of sticking labels on people. But Welch clearly knew what he was doing and what would follow. As often happens: the shape is much easier to copy than the essence."
Talent should not be understood in the enthusiastic/mystical sense: as a gift, which only the chosen ones have. "Most companies need people with normal abilities and normal management system to manage them. In order to pump oil, extract resources and prepare for the heating season in time, we need not the talent, but the clear plan for work and responsible attitude to it," - says the CEO of TalentPuzzle. - "It is not about how to attract talent – the talent will always be of great value – but about the fact that any employee is supposed to be in the right place and bring maximum benefit to the company and develop professionally," - agrees Brandon Valdez.
"For me, "talent management" is more of an idiomatic expression denoting primarily, HR-processes, allowing the company to saturate itself with the right people and keep itself in a good shape," - sums up Harold James.
Ainsi, le talent dans l'environnement actuel est la personne capable d'apporter un bénéfice à l'entreprise ici et maintenant, quel que soit le poste qu'elle occupe. En outre, ce talent a un potentiel élevé de développement futur. Ce type d'employés est celui pour lequel les recruteurs se battront dans un avenir proche.
Il est important de comprendre qu'il ne suffit pas d'embaucher un employé talentueux. Il est nécessaire de le garder dans l'entreprise et de l'aider à réaliser son potentiel.