Comment ne pas perdre un bon candidat

Comment ne pas perdre un bon candidat

Le recrutement requiert une approche individuelle, et même les meilleures techniques ne sont pas universelles. Si une personne se sent détendue pendant l'entretien, cela ne signifie pas qu'elle est ouverte et qu'elle dit la vérité, tandis que celle qui a l'air inquiète cache quelque chose.

Ne choisissez pas un CV, choisissez une personne.

Dès le début de l'examen des CV, ne cherchez pas ceux qui correspondent à une quelconque norme, ou refusez ceux qui comportent des erreurs de format ou de formulation. Mieux vaut essayer d'imaginer le candidat, d'estimer son expérience et ses compétences. Tout le monde ne peut pas se présenter correctement, mais si un spécialiste a passé dix ans dans une entreprise de profil similaire, cela montre bien plus que des réalisations bien décrites sur le papier.

Ne jugez pas de manière superficielle.

Another unfortunate trend relates to conducting an interview when HR department just adopts a few simple techniques from different methodologies. Interestingly, experienced job seekers quickly learned the rules of the game: they politely react to a stressful situation, enthusiastically tell about their previous workplace and demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the new employer. However, the reality is that such candidates usually lack the knowledge and the experience; in a real conflict situation, he or she starts to panic and make mistakes, which does not inspire confidence in clients. It is in that moment when the recruiter remembers a declined candidate who in response to a stress interview folded his hands on his chest and asked: "How dare you?"

Ne soyons pas stressés.

Joyce King, an HR expert: "Job seekers of older age often give up looking for a job, despair or agree to positions way below their qualifications. The reason is that not all recruiters are able to appreciate such employees, and it is a big mistake."

Those candidates are positively distinguished from younger colleagues by many qualities, especially a high degree of responsibility. In a difficult situation, they are ready to work day and night, with all their heart sharing the common goal. They will single-handedly pull the team out of the overflow, even though they will be unlikely to pass the Team Effectiveness Assessment or explain what team building is. They do not only work to achieve results but also become role models for young employees, setting the bar quite high."

Such specialists are serious about themselves and won’t pass a stress test. But they don’t need it because they simply do not find themselves in stressful situations. And how will these short-spoken unsmiling people work with customers? Easy. They inspire confidence with their seriousness, solidity, and reliability. If some of the company's clients are people of a similar character, they do not need a "young, energetic, stress resistant manager with a positive outlook on life"; they prefer to communicate with the concise, thorough person.

Essayez de faire en sorte qu'ils vous aiment.

Ce type de candidat préfère parler brièvement et aller droit au but. Avant l'entretien, lisez donc attentivement son CV et notez exactement ce que vous souhaitez clarifier. Mais n'étirez pas cette partie de l'entretien car vous n'avez pas en face de vous la personne qui sera heureuse de discuter de différents scénarios ou de résoudre des énigmes "étoilées".

Here is what tells about the work with such candidates Maria Hernandez, recruitment specialist in a real estate agency: "I often have to select candidates 40-50 years of age and older, because when it comes to buying houses or renting offices, customers prefer to communicate with solid people. This is understandable because in our industry there are quite a lot of scammers and fraudsters. Often such candidates negatively perceive the fact that the person conducting the interview is much younger than them, so I always try to defuse the situation. Immediately I inform that this is only the first part of the interview and after that, they will be further assessed by their immediate supervisor, whereas my task is to observe some formalities. This gives the opportunity to build further dialogue without pressure."

Planifiez les entretiens.

Vous devez comprendre que vous aussi serez jugé. Un excellent candidat a toujours la possibilité de choisir parmi de nombreuses entreprises, et vous devez essayer de devenir l'élu.

Les experts en RH disent toujours aux candidats qu'il n'y a pas de place pour les retards mais, en même temps, ils se permettent de manquer de respect au temps des autres. Si vous retardez un entretien ou interrompez constamment le candidat, préparez-vous à ce qu'un bon spécialiste ne revienne jamais vers vous.

Try to provide quick feedback: even if the person did not get the job, gently tell him or her about it. The candidates of this type tend to love truth and justice, therefore, if they do not receive a timely response, they will not be too lazy to write a negative review that can greatly impair a company's reputation. Amanda Willis, a career consultant and a job search mentor in the company SearchCoach and the editor in chief of the magazine "CareerLike" advises: "You can send a written refusal by e-mail, although it is not always easy, so the best option for me is to inform candidates during interviews about the number of days they can expect a positive response. At least people know that if they didn’t get the call within two days the answer is probably no. But a candidate can still call and clarify."


Ne jugez pas un spécialiste par sa capacité à passer un entretien, évaluez les qualités importantes pour le poste, et vous ne manquerez pas le candidat qui peut laisser ses concurrents loin derrière.


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