Taking Advantage of NetVizor PC Monitoring Program

When using PC monitoring program, it’s better to activate the stealth or silent mode. Why? The workers don’t realize of being monitored and they can’t disable this function.
However, some state laws prohibit this kind of mode as it violates one’s privacy. Therefore, some companies remain using the transparent mode when they activate their PC monitoring software. NetVizor has the both function and it also includes the remote monitoring. There’s no need to access the program from the monitored devices anymore. This means the users have the capability to inspect employees’ activity from the administrator device. It’s a perfect feature for bosses and supervisors, actually.
Useful Features from NetVizor
The program is considered as the most famous ones when compared to other similar software. Any companies should include this productivity tracking software to their PC network in order to protect their important data and minimize the waste of work time spent by their employee. This is also a reliable approach to inspecting what kind of software the employee often access during the work time. Idle sitting during the job is a bad thing. Plus, the software is able to trail workers attendance, so the bosses are able to see how determined their employee is.
The key logger feature gives the ability for users to inspect communication activities performed by the employee during the work time. NetVizor is an excellent PC monitoring system as it also can track files and documents that are shared, downloaded, retrieved, or deleted. It also notifies us whenever our important data are being shared or saved by using removable devices. There’s also a rare feature to see when the documents are printed. Another imperative feature is the social media access monitoring. This means we are able to inspect the way our employee use their social media accounts. Sometimes, we find a bad employee who carelessly shares information of the company through such sites. That will be damaging the reputation of our business, indeed.
The Importance of Control Functions
Apart from the PC monitoring activity, the software is also useful due to its control functions. This will keep away the employee’s temptation to waste their time during the work. The feature enables us to block some sites from company computers. Any naughty employee won’t be able to access those websites anymore. There’s also an alert system that may notify us whenever our employee attempts to visit those restricted websites. Regardless the feature, NetVizor also provides excellent support and help.
The program is the part of Spytech, in fact. We, as the customers, won’t get disappointed by their services. In summary, we need to maximize our business’s efficacy in order to get more profits. The problem is that our employees often waste their time accessing unimportant websites on the clock. The worst part is that they don’t have the loyalty and credibility when it comes to company’s secret. They often share company’s important data to their social media without our concerns. NetVizor program helps us monitor and inspect employees’ activity on a daily basis so we can prevent unwanted things from happening to our company.