What Qualities Slow Any Employee Down

What unites the manager, who is afraid to point out a mistake, with a newbie who is afraid to ask a question about the task? What qualities slow down both experienced professionals and interns should be got rid of immediately? CleverControl talked about the subject with a psychologist, psycho- diagnostician, coach, and NLP specialist Roy Brooks.
Dangerous qualities
Roy, what qualities get in the way of newcomers and old-timers, in your opinion?
Psychologically, newcomers and old-timers behave completely differently. I offer a comparative analysis, which will help managers to draw conclusions about their employees and staff and to find effective ways of communication.
Newcomers: increased anxiety, afraid of everything, outwardly seem very bold and active but make a lot of errors. They are too shy to ask clarifying questions, they are afraid of leaving a bad impression, and so they prefer to blunder. Their main problem is inefficient time management: a lot of fuss and few results. They are also slowed down by excessive credulity and lack of communicative filter in the team.
Old-timers: these people are confident and self-centered. They know everything about everybody, and, of course, they are always unhappy with the rest of the staff, the management, or with anybody else necessary to explain to themselves why they work with lack of motivation. Of course, laziness, lack of motivation and recognition force them to sometimes behave provocatively and brazenly. They are touchy, use a variety of manipulative techniques, stubborn and just plain lazy, "because their effort will not be appreciated, so what is the point?"
Unfortunately, both of those types of employees have primarily psychological problems, and we need to understand which specific psycho type is in which situation.
Do you have clear examples of the inconsistency of employee’s character and the occupied position?
In my consulting practice, I often encounter the incongruity of the temperament, the character, the personality, and the occupied position. The most common problem is when a manager, not exhibiting stiffness, avoids disciplining his or her subordinates. First of all, it discourages staff from ever behaving well.
Then comes familiarity, and the manager simply loses authority to such extent that he or she cannot even make a comment without subordinates starting to manipulate using quitting - "I am ready to quit right now", or inaction - "Well then, I won’t do anything at all", or misunderstanding - "I do not understand, you are the manager, you tell me what to do then." In other words, subordinates can start acting provocatively and defiantly with a “soft” manager.
But the qualities, which are bad for one, can be perfect for another. For example, an "aggressive" sales manager can be worth a whole department. What qualities do you allow employees to have, even though you generally don’t like them?
I believe every person has potential and professional talent, the task of a creative manager is to think through the whole system and choose for each position the employee with appropriate driving motivation. Best suited are employees with the motivation of achievement, they can do a lot of work and are psychologically dependent on personal professional results. At the same time, the power motivation is required for management positions, as well as in administrative and regulatory departments. Such people are invaluable they genuinely enjoy their work when they feel the power and recognition.
People with the motivation of harmony of communication are great in HR in the middle positions. The best thing for them is to be responsible for the birthdays of employees, food, and such. Security motivation is common in people who are cautious and fearful, they can be good lawyers who check and recheck all the details, excellent analysts, meticulous accountants. Anxious people will never make an important step without consulting or without sharing responsibility with someone.
I believe that the main important quality is the loyalty to the company, the rest can be learned, and vice versa, no matter how terrific a professional is, he or she will never be manageable without loyalty to the company.
“Pro” characteristics
Which professional characteristics are “pros” of any employee?
In my opinion, they are attention to details, punctuality, ability to analyze and to take responsibility, thinking the process through at every stage. Activity and quick reaction are the golden qualities, and the most important quality is love for learning.
Only sincere motivation makes simple employees unique.
What are recommended ways to get the necessary qualities?
I believe it is important to learn and take advice from experts, which could be useful to you in terms of going forward. Connect with practitioners; they can reveal the important secrets, which you will never read in books.
It is best to visit the workshops where you can learn the basics of effective communication, basics of manipulating, and most importantly, the diagnostic tools that will allow you to become an expert in your field and achieve personal goals and objectives.